Thursday, August 5, 2010

What? Another do with the Governor?

You will begin to think I specialise in going to dos with the Governor but it's a complete fluke - it's never happened before . This one was the opening of the 1801 convict built fort on Middle Head of Sydney harbour that was built to defend NSW against the French! They had been snooping around in their ships and there was fear they wanted to plant a colony here. I even got onto the news that night standing behind the governor and passing an umbrella to the historian when it started to rain which looked very rude while the Governor was talking.
I like the photo of the Governor holding an umbrella over the historian and the minder holding the umbrella over the Governor! It all looks very helpful and caring. Everyone had something interesting to say but the weather didn't make it easy. But so great to have a walkway to enable the public to view the fort which has been hidden and almost impossible to get to for probably 100 years.

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